We’ve all heard the stories about how WordPress can get hacked. When your site is hacked, a notification will be put up, warning the user of a problem.

If that happens, your reputation is greatly damaged, immediately. Imagine you show up to your favorite place to eat, and there’s a health code violation sign on the door; it’s THAT bad.

So what can you do if your site has already been hacked or is displaying the (not so famous) red warning of death?

We suggest you first evaluate how new the site was that was hacked. If it’s more than four years old, there’s a decent chance it needs a redesign. That being said, the first step may be to get it back online, to remove the warning, and restore confidence in both your visitors, and Google.

We now offer hacked website restoration services. If you have a site that’s been hacked, get in touch with us to find out how to get back online ASAP!

What specifically did we do to fix the hacked website?

  • Removed Malware from site
  • Reinstalled WordPress, and load new theme
  • Restored old site content from the Internet Archive
  • Setup Google webmaster Tools, verify site as infected
  • Find bad content, remove and re-test at Google
  • Submit review request after fixing issues
  • Install SSL Certificate for domain at Godaddy
  • Help troubleshooting email bounce back message regarding SMTP authentication
  • Restored balance and harmony in the universe. :)